1 February 2019 | A Responsible Art Market in Practice
For its third conference at the artgeneve art fair, the Responsible Art Market Initiative (RAM) will focus on “responsible art market measures in practice”, with workshops built around the “RAM Transaction Due Diligence Toolkit”. These workshops will illustrate how RAM’s toolkit, with its risk-based approach to client, artwork and transaction due diligence, can help art professionals and businesses navigate difficult situations and answer challenging questions. This conference will also consider the impact of the 5th European Anti-Money Laundering Directive on the Swiss and European art markets. Confirmed speakers include Georgina Adam (Financial Times and The Art Newspaper, London), Philippe Davet (Blondeau & Cie, Geneva), Aude Lemogne (Link Management, Luxembourg), Jean-Bernard Schmid (Ochsner & Associés, Geneva), Roland Foord (Stephenson Harwood, London) and Andreas Ritter (Ritter & Partner, Zürich).
See the full programme here. To register please visit RAM's website.