From Antiquities to Artificial IntelligenceHow to Navigate Today's Art Market? The Responsible Art Market (RAM) annual conference returns to the artgeneve art fair for its 8th...
29 January 2021 | Innovation and change in a Responsible Art MarketThis year’s RAM conference will look at the “new normal” resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic. In the past year, the way the art...
22 January 2021 | Le buone pratiche del collezionismoThis webinar will focus on the new book "Le buone pratiche del collezionismo" published with Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane including the...
RAM guidelines and country guides on experts authenticating works of fine art onlineThe RAM guidelines on experts authenticating works of art are now available online on together with the first...
Conference: Best practices in the art marketOn 29 October 2018, Kunstforum Zürich and the University of Zurich's Art Market Studies program held a conference on due diligence in the...
Interview on CNN on the Responsible Art Market initiative and due diligenceAnne Laure Bandle talks about the Responsible Art Market (RAM) initiative and due diligence on CNN Money Switzerland.
ArtMarketGuru interviews Anne Laure Bandle on the Responsible Art Market Initiative (RAM)ArtMarketGuru interviews Anne Laure Bandle on the Responsible Art Market Initiative (RAM)