14. June 2024 | Art Basel Conference
Every year during the Art Basel art fair, the University of Basel organises a conference dedicated to art law. It is one of the main conferences that gathers art law experts from all over Switzerland.
At this year's conference taking place on 14 June 2024, I will have the pleasure to talk about the areas of tension that can arise for museums in relation to copyright law. For example, I will address how copyright law can dictate the exhibition conditions, the freedom museums enjoy in creating exhibition catalogues and other marketing material, and how to deal with social media.
You may find the full conference programme here: https://ius.unibas.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/ius/08_Upload_Events/Recht_aktuell/Flyer_Kunst_und_Recht_2024_Final.pdf
And a preview of my talk here:
I hope to see you in Basel!