COVID 19: The Swiss government supports the cultural sector

Note by Professor Henry Peter, Director of the Geneva Centre for philanthropy (GCP) and Dr. Anne Laure Bandle, Director of the ALF and Academic Fellow of the GCP on the Swiss government’s measures to support the cultural sector.
The cultural sector is particularly affected by the very difficult situation resulting from the current containment and the cancellation of almost all cultural events for several months.
The consequences are very problematic, as the cultural sector is one of the most affected sectors during the coronavirus pandemia. The Swiss Government is fully aware of this and has therefore decided to take urgent action by means of an ordinance “on the mitigation of the economic consequences of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the cultural sector” dated 20 March 2020 (hereinafter the “COVID Culture Ordinance”). The key points of the COVID Culture Ordinance are summarised here (in French).