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Upcoming conferences around the Metaverse, crypto art, NFTs and more

Several talks and conferences are about to take place:

  • 2 June 2022, 5-8 pm, schwarzescafé, Löwenbräukunst, Zurich - Green Deal for Art: Kunstforum Zürich and Löwenbräukunst Zürich look at sustainability in the art market and how its actors can reduce their carbon footprint. Speakers include Victoria Siddall, Lucia Pietroiusti, Pedro Wirz and Elke Buhr. More information is accessible here.

  • 12 June 2022, 2-3.30 pm, schwarzescafé, Löwenbräukunst, Zurich - Death of the Art Critic: In Switzerland - and also internationally - the decline of art criticism has been lamented for some time and is becoming increasingly accentuated. Classical art critics with a sharp mind and expertise hardly get a word in edgeways any more, and those who have left are not being replaced. Coverage is shifting to event and people reports without content, otherwise art market reporting is taking over. We are on the lookout for new models. Speakers to be announced soon here.

  • 10 June 2022, 1.15-7 pm, Kunsthaus Zürich - Crypto Art Conference: Crypto art has become an intensively discussed topic during the last few months. New technological and artistic developments influence the art markets; the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFT) allows a broader and more nuanced exploitation of crypto art. Therefore, interdisciplinary efforts for dealing in crypto art gain importance. The event addresses the various facets of crypto art from manifold angles by having the different stakeholder on stage in the arts museum (Kunsthaus). Speakers include Nicolas Galley, Kenny Schachter, Michèle Sandoz, Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Weber, Pierce Wu and Kate Vass. Access the full programme online.

  • 21 June 2022, 1 pm, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich - Metaversen 2.0: Die Welt ist nicht genug: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) partners with Schweizer Forum für Kommunikationsrecht for a conference on the Metaverse, its opportunities and legal challenges. Speakers include Dirk Boll, Mathis Berger, Sandra Marmy, Mischa Senn and Margarete Jahrmann. Full programme is available at the link below.

  • 15 September 2022, University of Neuchâtel: Best practices in the fight against counterfeiting & piracy 4.0: More and more companies are jumping on the NFT bandwagon and selling various NFT items. But what actually are non-fungible tokens? Why are Swiss companies using this new technology? And what role can NFTs play in the fight against counterfeiting? These questions will be discussed by expert presenters and a panel at our upcoming conference. More information to follow on the University's website.


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